
crecia cipriano - thriveandbloom

yes you may!

Published 18 days ago • 2 min read

hello, rhubarb.

whether you read this as a granting of permission or a celebration of self, here’s to a month dedicated to saying YES…

  • YES to putting yourself on your own damn list, unapologetically
  • YES to trusting yourself at LEAST as much as you trust everyone else (and having your own freaking back, always)
  • YES to owning your wants + honoring the wisdom they hold… free of guilt + shame
  • YES to living in SACRED AWE — of yourself, of this life, and of all the beauty + magic around you
  • YES to GIVING YOURSELF PERMISSION to prioritize ease, joy + whatever the hell else makes your moments into wins

because… #yesYOUmay

and yes WE may, together

let's commit to loving ourselves louder, larger, and more lavishly than ever before, in this month of MAY

because that’s a commitment i can get behind. unlike sending you a message about it every day

i’d like to be able to commit to that… but i can’t

and here’s the thing — when i try to commit to things that give me that tight feeling in my belly (one of the ways my inner knowing speaks NO to me)...

i very rarely succeed

but when i liberate myself from the shoulds + musts, the quality of what i do is way better (+ i often end up closer to the initial goal anyway)

too often we bully ourselves into saying we’ll hit goals that don’t feel realistic or right, and when we don’t succeed we take that as a failure to complete the task rather than a failure to honor our inner knowing

read that again, please: we take it as a failure to complete the task rather than a failure to honor our inner knowing

and i’m not here for setting up that kind of nonsense in my life (or supporting you in setting it up in yours)

so over the course of the month of may, i won’t be emailing you every day about it or posting every day on IG

but i WILL be setting an intention for all of us to say YES to ourselves... more often + more joyfully

and encouraging you to grant yourself whatever permissions you seek, as i do, too

i’ll share about it as called, starting now...

my name is crecia, and yes i may:

  • change the fucking rules, whenever i freaking want (it’s all about the comms, baby)
  • speak displeasing things + live to tell the tale (even if i don’t dig the outcome)
  • offer no explanation. not even when you expectantly await one

🗣 your turn!

  • what are you doing TODAY to put yourself on your own damn list + give yourself permission to do it your way?

i'd love to hear all about your own adventures in allowing + celebrating this month

xxoo, cc

and hey... if you're on IG + something in this message resonates, i'd so appreciate it if you hopped over to give this post a like, comment, share or all 3!

(it helps it get in front of more folks who might benefit from it. thanks a bunch🎈)

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ready to claim joy like it's your job, trust yourself at LEAST as much as everyone else, and put yourself on your own damn list?

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266 west hazel street, 2nd floor, new haven, ct 06511
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