
crecia cipriano - thriveandbloom

what are they saying behind YOUR back?

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

hey, ranunc.

so last week i was double-booked + there was nothing i could do about it

yesterday i was watching the replay of the course session i had to miss. about 20 minutes in, i heard my name

i couldn’t believe what they were saying about me!

what do you think it was?

and what do you think folks are saying about YOU when you’re not in the room?

of course, it depends on the room

of course, it depends on the kind of people you pass time with

of course, it may have more to do with them than with you

but also, it depends on how you show up in the rooms you’re in

the group members present had been talking about wins they’d had for the week, and the convo had gotten around to social posts + how sometimes people don’t like or comment even when they’re profoundly affected by what you share

and then i heard the program leader make a left turn + say:

“oh, my gosh! really, i know. crecia — being the champion cheerleader… that’s part of her brand + it’s no joke”

at the same time she said “it’s for real,” the person who had left the comment that inspired the convo was saying “she does it for real”

and everyone else was smiling, laughing, and head nodding at it

now listen — one of my fave compliments ever is being called a real one*, and as someone who experiences physical discomfort at the thought of doing things that don’t align, for people to affirm that they see me as someone who is who i say i am is everything

the comment in question was pointing out how i’m out there loving up on all their posts on LinkedIn + in our program community

“doing God’s work,” she called it lol

when you know what you value + act on it, people notice

they feel it

you won’t always get a gift-wrapped replay surprise letting you know, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening

especially if you read the subject line above + were flooded with potential horror stories + tensed up at what nasty little nuggets might follow —

i invite you to imagine a world where you know your values + act on them, and the people you pass time with do the same

and then maybe, just maybe, imagine what it would be like if they were bold enough to speak the gifts you bring, to your face (or if you’re not in class, behind your back!)

and what would it be like for you to do the same?

if you wanna chat about it, i’ll just be over here feelin hella grateful for great people + all the rock star choices i made along the way that got me in the room with them

so hit reply or hit me up for a call

xxoo, cc

ps: i mentioned LinkedIn above, where i’m psyched to finally be active after LOTS of resistance. would loooooove to connect with you there (and love up on your posts when i see em!)

*thank you, mnikesa. you may not remember even saying it, but it's stuck with me for years. also eternal thank you to amy d for being the first one to call me a cheerleader as an adult

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